TRAVELLERS who set up camp at the side of the M65 were moved on by police following complaints from local residents and motorists who had become snarled up in traffic chaos.

More than 60 caravans from as far afield as Ireland and Poland moved on to a site close to junction 4 of the motorway near Darwen last week.

The site is being developed as a motorway service station, including a McDonald's and a Little Chef, and the camp caused tailbacks on the M65 after travellers were parked close to an access road, forcing heavy goods vehicles to manoeuvre around them.

Residents nearby also complained about people using the land as a public toilet and selling three piece suites in the area.

A police spokesperson said: "We moved travellers from the site on Saturday and checked again the next day to make sure they had not returned."

Blackburn with Darwen Councillor Mike Barrett had raised the matter with council after he received complaints from nearby residents.

He said: "I've been informed by local residents that they have left the area after being moved on by the police on Saturday.

"In regard to the matter of the area being used as a toilet, environmental health are in the process of checking it out and anything left there will be sorted out."