A DRINK driver got behind the wheel to take his son away from a suicidal and argumentative friend.

Burnley Magistrates heard how John Riley, 38, wanted to stop the row and his solicitor said while his motives had been decent, he had been absent minded.

Riley, of Griffin Close, Burnley, admitted driving with excess alcohol on August 16. He was banned from driving for 18 months and told to pay £220 in fines and costs. He was told by bench chairman Jim McGowan that not only had he lost his licence, the consequences of his actions could have been "devastating, absolutely devastating."

The court was told the lower of two police station breath tests showed 61 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath -- the legal limit is 35.

Paul Wood, defending, said Riley had earlier had three or four pints of lager in the Gretna Green pub. The police had called him as they were concerned about the defendant's friend and had broken into his house.

Riley said he would look after the friend, but he started taking his frustrations out on the defendant's family. Riley decided to take his son away and did not really give much thought to what he had to drink. He had driven about half a mile when police pulled him over.