A DEPRESSED mum who caused a casualty department rumpus and then attacked a police officer has been warned she could face jail.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Sharon Snape, 32, had been found sitting on the hospital floor crying. After she became abusive and violent, she was taken to the police station, where she kicked an officer in the groin.

The defendant had been taken to hospital after slitting her wrists and her solicitor told the court she not been drunk but had had two glasses of wine on top of her medication.

Snape was bailed for a pre-sentence report and Jim McGowan, chairman of the bench, said custody was not ruled out

He told Snape: "People do not go round abusing police officers. The police expect our protection, they are doing a good job and we are not having people assaulting them."

Snape, of Brunshaw Road, Burnley, had admitted threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and police assault.

David Macro, prosecuting, said at 9.30pm, on August 22, police were called to Burnley General Hospital and found the defendant sobbing.

An officer asked her what was the matter but she grabbed hold of one of his legs and continued to weep. Snape's partner helped the officer take her into a consulting room but she became abusive, kicked out and tried to punch the officer.

Sue Robinson , defending, said Snape had never behaved like this in the past and wouldn't in the future.

The defendant had been affected by post natal depression, had been depressed for many years and had been on constant medication.

A week before the offences, her medication had been increased by her doctor who she saw weekly. She had never received any help in the form of counselling or from professional oganisations.