AN irate customer saw red when the sub postmaster wouldn't open up Brierfield post office before nine o'clock.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Peter Hope, 30, was angry when allowed in on the dot of nine, broke a glass counter screen and walked out of the shop, leaving the sub postmaster terrified.

Hope, of Henry Gardens, Brierfield, admitted damage and was given a 12 months conditional discharge.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said at 8.55am on Saturday morning, the sub postmaster was getting ready to open the post office when he heard banging on the door. Hope was demanding the store be opened and said it was nine o'clock.

He seemed agitated but the sub postmaster drew his attention to the clock and showed him it wasn't yet nine.

Mr Robinson said: "The policy of the post office is not to open until nine o'clock, no matter what." When the door was finally opened, the sub postmaster explained the policy to the defendant and told him his behaviour was unacceptable. Hope was angry and demanded his Giro be cashed.

The prosecutor said Hope was told he would not be served unless he apologised. The defendant was carrying some sort of stick, like a broom handle, and broke the glass screen with it. He then left the store.

The subpostmaster was frightened and immediately called the police.

Hope was arrested and interviewed and said he had hit the screen in a "moment of madness," because the sub postmaster would not serve him.

Sajjad Karim, defending, said Hope accepted his behaviour was entirely inappropriate. It was out of character and he did not know why he did it. He would not behave in such a way again.