A 23-YEAR-OLD man who admitted a charge of dangerous driving involving an accident in which his friend was killed will have to wait until next month to learn his fate.

Preston Crown Court was told that victim Neil Heywood was driving a car involved in the accident and Andrew McManus was in the following car.

McManus, of Watley Road, Billington, pleaded not guilty to causing the death of Mr Heywood on April 6 this year by driving a Vauxall Corsa dangerously in Whalley Old Road, Billington.

His plea of guilty to dangerous driving was accepted by the prosecution.

Bob Elias, prosecuting, said there was some doubt as to whether racing had caused the fatal accident.

Mr Heywood's father, Michael had written touching letters but they had not formed part of the decision not to pursue the charge.

Sentence was adjourned until October for a background report to be prepared by the probation service.

McManus was granted unconditional bail.