CLARETS boss Stan Ternent had better beware, Arthur Gnohere is ready to plant another smacker on him.

The French defender celebrated his first goal of the season against Stoke at the weekend by removing his shirt instead of repeating the kiss that he gave his manager after scoring against Nottingham Forest last season.

But he grinned: "Maybe next time I score I will go and give the gaffer another kiss. If he runs away from me I will have to catch him."

The athletic defender should have his manager for speed as he showed both pace and power when he grabbed Dimitri Papadopoulos and carried him back to the halfway line after he had got Saturday's winner.

"It was a big celebration for me against Stoke because it was an important game," said Gnohere. "We took a long time to win this season, losing a few games, and it was good to win a League game at home for the first time this season.

"I was very happy not just for me but for everybody."

Now he is targeting a fourth successive victory following his return to the side after his unscheduled three match break.

"It was a frustrating start to the season for me because I got a three match suspension after my red card against Brighton," he admitted.

Gnohere is expecting a tough battle against the Lions tonight as he explained: "They are a strong side and they only lost 1-0 to Portsmouth at the weekend. The gaffer says that we have got to be strong."

With Steve Davis not quite fit to return to duty, Gnohere will continue the partnership with Cox that has been a key factor in the recent revival and he confessed that he enjoys playing alongside either man.

"It has been a strong partnership with Coxy and we played together a lot of times last season," he said. "I played with Steve only six or seven times but it was the same, it was good."

Gnohere is also happy to play in front of either Marlon Beresford or Nik Michopoulos in goal although he acknowledged the two men are different in their approach.

"Niko is a good keeper but he talks mainly when it is corners or free kicks," he said. "Marlon is talking all the time, on the pitch, in the dressing room and on the coach. But it is good because I can understand him."

In fact understanding everyone has become easier for the 23-year-old who has settled happily into life in England and he acknowledged his command of English has improved by simply being around his team mates.

"Talking to the lads has helped me and I am getting a little better," he admitted after successfully completing his first full interview in English.

"It was difficult to come to England and the football is a little bit different but I like the mentality over here. Now I am in my second season I am more ready for things."

Whether his manager will be ready and waiting should he find the net again tonight remains to be seen.