FORMER Lancashire Evening Telegraph Baby of the Year John Mark Riding is critically ill in hospital after undergoing a life-saving operation.

The five-year-old, formerly of Darwen and who now lives with his mum Jacqueline Sanderson in Cornwall, was rushed to Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, where a brain scan revealed a problem with the shunt that was fitted to relieve pressure on his brain.

John Mark was diagnosed with a brain tumour last October and given three months to live.

Evening Telegraph readers helped raise cash to send him to Australia for a gruelling nine-hour operation in May.

On return to England the youngster, originally from Beech Grove, contracted meningitis and slipped into a coma.

A shunt was fitted in an emergency operation and his progress had since been good until this latest setback.

He was taken to the Treliske Hospital in Cornwall, before being flown to Bristol.

Danny Vose, co-ordinator for the John Mark Riding Appeal, said: "The shunt was malfunctioning.

"Treliske immediately ordered an ambulance and police escort to take John to Frenchay for an emergency operation to save his life."

John Mark's dad, John, made an emergency dash from his home in the Livesey area of Blackburn, and is by his son's bedside.

After the operation John Mark was taken to Bristol Children's Hospital where his family kept a vigil at the Intensive Care Unit.

Mr Vose said John Mark's lung collapsed and he was placed on a ventilator to aid breathing.

He said: "His lungs were being drained of fluid and he was in a very dangerous condition indeed.

"At one point his breathing stopped completely and the machine stats dropped.

"I contacted his dad at the hospital on Monday morning and he said John was off the ventilator now and will pull through."

The family hopes to send him back to Australia for further treatment. And they are continuing to raise funds to help with the financial burden. Monies can be donated directly to the Penventon hotel in Redruth.

An official receipt will be issued.

Anyone interested in organising fundraising events is asked to contact 01254 668948 (7pm-10pm) or email