I WOULD like to thank the many king people who helped my Mum and David when she fell on stone steps near Burnley market on Saturday, September 8.

The staff at the hospital were marvellous and looked after David, who has learning disabilities, very well.

It was an harrowing experience for them both and although my Mum is still in a lot of pain it has made us realise how many good people there are!

ROY JAKES, Dudley Street, Tyersal, Bradford.

I WOULD like to thank the many kind people who helped my Mum and David when she fell on stone steps near Burnley market on Saturday, September 8.

The staff at the hospital were marvellous and looked after David, who has learning disabilities, very well.

It was an harrowing experience for them both and although my Mum is still in a lot of pain it has made us realise how many good people there are!

ROY JAKES, Dudley Street, Tyersal, Bradford.