GOING into Blackburn is not something I particularly look forward to these days, with high car parking charges, poor quality shops, and derelict areas. But I was pleasantly surprised to see a new coffee shop on King William Street.

How enterprising, I thought, and how nicely decorated with good service, food and an upmarket atmosphere and, from what I could see on my visits, a lot of people had the same opinion.

Could it be that Blackburn was at last beginning to show some improvement and trying to improve the town centre to attract people into the town? No, that was too good to be true, for I now read Blackburn with Darwen Council is to start enforcement action against the owner, no doubt to try and close down his business.

Well, let's face it -- its going to look so much better empty, run-down or perhaps, if we are lucky, as a Christmas shop for a week in December. As usual this town takes one step forward and five steps back!

LORETTA DAVIES, Alpine Grove, Blackburn.