HAS the Labour Council that controls Blackburn gone totally bonkers?

Over many years it has succeeded in destroying in part and encouraging the demise of King William Street, once the finest shopping street in town, resulting in many banks, building societies, estate agents and eateries of various style taking up the plum sites.

So what is all this baloney about using the big stick against a small trader under the rather crass reason that they want to return the street to a shopping venue (LET, August 30)? They have as much chance as Nelson getting his eye back.

They should be expressing their appreciation and be eternally grateful that someone wants to invest in a business in Blackburn's dead centre and give every encouragement they possibly can.

For is it not proven that, through their naive intervention over the years, they have given the town one of the worst shopping centres in the country?

The people of Blackburn should be allowed to decide if they want a coffee shop here. For if they do not, then it will close of its own accord without the interference of the town hall.

WALT MEADOWS, Whalley Old Road, Blackburn.