I AM aware that there has been a huge response regarding the proposed closure of Puccino's coffee/wine bar, and would like to add a few more comments with regard to its predicament and that of Blackburn town centre in general.

With present council attitudes, the town of Blackburn will never attain city status. Our town centre needs to develop naturally and in tune with the needs of the people who use it. After all, it would form the hub of our future city.

Being a financially-efficient council is not enough, they need to have a feel for what is right for the shopping centre and not base their judgements on what local legislation decrees.

A successful town or city centre generally has a diverse mix of traders, coffee/wine bars, restaurants, small shops, large retail chain stores etc. and not categorised sterile areas that are deemed only for use as retail sections.

To many people shopping is not only a necessity, but a social activity, where reading the paper or having a chat with a friend or colleague over a coffee is an enjoyable experience. It is a pleasant change to be able to do this in uncommercialised or "non snack bar" surroundings.

I concede that a coffee bar alone does not make a city centre, but the likes of Puccino's lays a welcome foundation stone for a Blackburn town centre with a touch of class, and not a boring jungle of big name retail outlets and banks.

I urge those responsible to listen to the voices of the people, and for goodness sake see some sense. Be flexible and fair in your decisions regarding this matter and allow the town centre to grow into an enjoyable place to visit.

Take a leaf out of the city of Preston's book, and who knows?, the next time that we apply for city status we may be taken more seriously.

K SHEPHARD, William Griffiths Court, Mill Hill Bridge Street, Blackburn.