THE Leader of Burnley Borough Council Stuart Caddy attended the parish meeting and reported that the bench recently vandalised in the village square would be replaced.

He also discussed with the parish councillors the difficult decisions over£1m of savings from Burnley's budget of just over £14m.

Around 43 per cent of the current budget is spent on recreation and leisure -- this covers the cost of three swimming pools and six major parks, with Towneley Hall costing council tax payers £400,000 a year. Some parish councillors were not in favour of charges being made for entry to the hall as in their childhood it had been an important part of their education. Others felt charging would be appropriate.

The government's initiative of eliminating entrance charges for museums, art galleries and encouraging voluntary donations was seen as a major factor in increasing visitor numbers

INVESTIGATION of the strong smell of gas at the Reading Room has resulted in British Gas carrying out work on the boiler. Apologies for any inconvenience to the Friday Morning Ladies Group.

THE Handbell Ringers' Fund benefited by £127.50 from Jackie Clark's film show on life in Hong Kong. The fund now stands at £2,000.

Film rings

up £2,000

THE Rainbows are looking for new members. Rainbows are the youngest members of the Girl Guide Association. Members need to be at least four and a half years old and attending school but can join up to the age of seven.

Activities include simple crafts, games and outings,

There are two Rainbow units in the village. One meets on Wednesday evening and the other on Thursday. Both meet in the Church Rooms at 5.15pm until 6.15pm and the cost is£1.30 per week. To find out more, contact Linda on 412682 or Lesley on 416607.

THE borough council has been requested to lower the drains near the Bay Horse as water is bypassing the gulleys.

THE Cubs raised £70 when they organised a car washing morning. They cleaned 30 cars and a fire engine.