A RETIRED shipwright died from asbestos-related cancer after a lifetime of exposure to the mineral, an inquest heard.

Andrew Slane, 67, of Bolton Grove, Barrowford, was diagnosed with lung cancer in February last year and died a year later.

He was born in Dundee and worked at the Caledonian Shipbuilding Company before leaving to do National Service.

He worked at the Camel Laird shipyard in Birkenhead for a year after leaving the RAF and then moved to Nelson in 1960 where he began work for the Highgrove corrugated cardboard factory. He stayed there for 30 years until his retirement.

A post mortem examination showed evidence that Mr Slane had died as a result of exposure to asbestos during his career.

Acting East Lancashire Coroner Richard Taylor said: "I have no doubt that within that industry Mr Slane was exposed to asbestos and nobody at that time realised the dangers and he would not have been protected."

He recorded a verdict that Mr Slane died as a result of an industrial disease.