PLANS to build two houses in the garden of another house may be thwarted after neighbours raised a 49-name petition.

Builder Jeff Hughes applied to build the two detached homes with garages on land adjacent to his home in Larch Road, Oswaldtwistle, but the council's development services committee will be recommended to refuse it when it meets today.

Officers from the council's works department say the access to the site is unsatisfactory and detrimental to the safety of other residents on the nine-house cul-de-sac.

Residents say the land was protected from development in the local plan and new houses would block views.

A large number of trees would also have to be cut down, and the land is open space and home to much wildlife, they say.

A report by officers says the application contravenes several local plan policies.

It says access to the proposed development is unsatisfactory, is likely to result in an increase in on-street parking on Larch Road and would therefore be detrimental to the safety of the occupiers of the existing development and highway safety.

Mr Hughes said he was surprised his application was set for refusal as he had altered access plans at the request of council officers.

"I can't understand it. We wanted to leave all the trees up, or as much as we possibly could. When the officer came round she said she didn't like the access so we have turned it around," he said.