A WOMAN trying to meet her cats' medical bills is appealing for help.

Maureen Savage, who runs the Moggies cat rescue service in Darwen, currently faces veterinary costs of more than £700, including £332 for one of her charges, a ginger cat called Robbie.

Robbie, who is about 12 months old, came to her after being attacked by a dog.

His wounds had festered and he has had repeated visits to the vet for medication to combat infection.

Maureen said: "I would be grateful for any help with the vet's fees. Hopefully over the next few weeks we can get Robbie right with a view to rehoming him."

Anyone who can offer cash or organise fund-raising events to help Maureen can write to her at 11 Stansfield Street, Darwen, or telephone 01254 708171 between 4.30pm and 10pm.

She would also like to hear from anyone able to offer a home to any of the cats or kittens in her care.