FUND-RAISERS collecting cash to help repair Sunnyhurst Woods, Darwen, after it was wrecked by floods earlier this year have received donations from across the globe.

In addition to the thousands raised so far in Darwen following June's flash floods, which caused up to £100,000 worth of damage, donations have been received from former town residents in Australia and America.

At the weekend, more than £1,000 was collected when the Friends of Sunnyhurst Woods held their summer gala, which had to be postponed in June because of the flood damage. In addition, £11,000 was donated last month by community group Sure Start to help finance the repairs, which are expected to take up to a year. Dennis Gillibrand, chairman of the friends, said: "We have even received donations from America and Australia, from people who have heard of what has happened through friends and the internet. The whole community has got behind us and we are very grateful for that.

"We are still counting the money from the gala at the weekend, but know we have at least £1,000 which can go towards the restoration. It was a wonderful event and so many people enjoyed themselves."

And he paid particular tribute to the current mayor of Blackburn, Coun Tony Humphrys, and his wife Jacqueline, who opened the event and judged the dog show.

Mr Gillibrand said: "He spent three hours here talking to people and just enjoying what was going on. We really appreciate that he made the effort."

A 40ft by 12ft chasm has now been filled in and one of the two bridges has been repaired, but there is still damage stretching for three-quarters of a mile where 60 tonnes of rubble washed through. The banks of a stream are being repaired along with all of the woods' footpaths, but as quickly as Blackburn with Darwen Council engineers work, more rain comes along to wash away their progress.