CHEEKY charity workers have become the talk of the town after following in the footsteps of the famous WI fundraisers who bared all for a good cause.

Ten volunteers from Todmorden posed in aid of Cancer Research UK. The women said they got fed up of rattling collecting tins and making jam.

Taking a lead from the Rylestone Women's Institute, whose calendar exploits have now become legendary, they are so pleased with the result they even gave the local vicar a copy.

Amanda McLernon, 39, a school support assistant and Miss November, said: "We thought our fundraising committee had become a little stale but now it's thriving again and we're taking on more members!"

Each month of the cheeky calendar has a cancer theme -- including encouraging healthy diet and lifestyle as ways to prevent the disease

For Cancer Research UK Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October the women cover their modesty with pink balloons, pictured, and for Men's Cancer Month in June, two committee members are pictured frolicking in a ball pool.

Susan Wainwright, 50, a teacher, says: "I suggested the calendar and it was a bit different from my usual hobbies of baking and gardening.

"I did wonder if we had gone too far, but now I'm glad we did it and hope the calendar raises cancer awareness and funds."