A BURGLAR left his victims distraught after he made off with jewellery and other property to the tune of nearly £2,000.

Burnley Crown Court heard how none of the haul had been recovered except a gold chain, which house-breaker Neill Mcathey, 26, claimed was his daughter's

The defendant's mother told the court how her son, who was then on drugs, had looked like a 'down and out,' but now looked and sounded totally different.

Mcathey, a former part-time soldier, who had gone on the run but then given himself up, was sent to jail for 21 months.

Sentencing, Judge Anthony Proctor said the effect on the complainants must have been tremendous. He added there was no prospect of the family getting any of their goods back.

The defendant, of Fairfield Avenue, Waterfoot, had admitted burglary.

Louise Whaites, prosecuting, said the victims lived in a house which was part of a 'traditional corner shop,' in Crabtree Avenue, Waterfoot.

The daughter of the family was living there alone while the others went on holiday last July and when she returned home she found the premises had been entered.

A window had been smashed, keys had been taken and a lot of jewellery, including some of sentimental value, had been taken.

Richard Orme, defending, said burglary was a departure from the norm so far as Mcathey's previous convictions were concerned.