A WOMAN threw her boyfriend through the plate glass window of a bridal wear shop during a drunken row.

But Blackburn magistrates heard the incident had a fairytale ending with the couple now fully reconciled and engaged to be married.

Emma Louise Warner, 24, of Carlinghurst Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to causing £1,377-worth of damage to windows on Dan Kerr Weddings, King William Street, Blackburn.

She was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £200 compensation, the value of the excess on the insurance policy.

A charge of affray was withdrawn.

Neil White, prosecuting, said Warner was having a row with her boyfriend outside the shop.

She punched and kicked him before pushing him into the shop window. She was the aggressor and throughout the incident her boyfriend was completely non-aggressive, simply taking the blows," said Mr White.

Michael Blacklidge, defending, said Warner had been out with her boyfriend and they had enjoyed a "convivial" evening.

There had been an incident in the Grapes public house which resulted in them being ejected and Warner blamed her boyfriend.

"She did not expect the window to break and the damage was reckless rather than intentional," said Mr Blacklidge.

"I am happy to say that she and her boyfriend are now engaged to be married and neither envisages anything like this happening again."