WHAT have Blackburn brewers Daniel Thwaites and Rovers' goalkeeper Brad Friedel got in common? Both are rated 'Number One' in the world!

For just a matter of weeks after big Brad's sterling displays for America in the World Cup, Thwaites have carried off a quartet of major titles at the world's most prestigious beer awards ceremony.

Thwaites have collected two gold medals and one silver at the World Selection 2002. The brewery's beers were submitted to the organising committee at Monde Selection, in Brussels, and were subjected to stringent testing and analysis.

The panel ultimately decided that Thwaites' Draught Bitter and Lancashire Brown Ale were deserving of the highest accolade, with silver medals being bestowed upon Stein Pilsner Lager and Thwaites' Draught Mild Beer.

Paul Baker, managing director of Thwaites, said: "Clearly, it is a tribute to all concerned and we are thrilled to be commended on the world stage."