I HAVE the misfortune of driving four hours a day, Monday to Friday, within Blackburn and Darwen.

At least once a day and often up to five times a day, I have no option but to drive through the Boulevard and Railway Road.

I have spoken to many other people in the same position and everyone is of the same opinion -- that a bunch of clowns would not have devised a road traffic system as bad as this.

When you consider the obstacles on this route -- numerous retail premises on Darwen Street, deliveries to the telephone exchange by service vehicles, the railway station, bus terminus, road access to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, a taxi rank, traffic entrance to Morrison's supermarket, two zebra crossings and retail outlets on Railway Rod -- then anybody with only half a brain would have realised that this traffic plan was totally impractical.

The entire system is laughable. Unfortunately, it is for real.

PETER WILCOCK, Woodlands Avenue, Blackburn.