REGARDING Ian Green's account of his being caught speeding by a police camera (Letters, September 2), I have never read such tosh in all my life.

First, he complains about other drivers having the temerity to slow down in front of him which rather inconveniently caused him to have to slow down and change a gear.

Then, he moans about traffic islands put in the road to help pedestrians safely across. Then he moans about manhole covers and parked cars and complains about potholes on the recently smooth and resurfaced A666.

Oh and, horror of all horrors, he receives a speeding ticket for being seven miles an hour over the limit in a built-up residential area!

I suppose the rest of us should get off the road and let him speed up the A666 in Darwen to his heart's content.

Never mind about the hundreds of children whose parents struggle to get them across safely or into their parked vehicles.

I have lived on the A666 in the Whitehall area of Darwen for eight years and every day I take my life in my hands because of thoughtless drivers who ignore speed limits and have no respect for other road users.

I have a two-year-old boy whom I need to get in and out of the car which I have to park on the main road. Trying to slow down to park outside "or as near as I can manage" to my own home is a task in itself because of drivers who, rather than change down a gear or two and slow down to let the car in front pull up, would rather pull out into the line of on-coming traffic and push their foot to the floor to make their escape.

Mr Green's comment that he deemed himself to be driving in a responsible manner says it all. Thousands of motorists like him pass me every day and, believe me, it is frightening as drivers speed past as I stand by my car trying to get a big enough gap in the traffic to open my door to get into it.

Trying to cross take my young son to the park or nursery, and even walking up the pavement are everyday hazards.

Would Mr Green like it if someone drove into his housing estate at 37mph while his children were getting in and out of his car? Would he deem this irresponsible? I think not.

If the new speed cameras along the A666 slow him down then I and my neighbours may be able to go about our daily lives with a greater sense of safety and well being. Slow down and give a thought for others before you end up with more than a fine on your conscience.

J CONLON, Whitehall, Darwen.