POLICE are investigating after a council officer said he was attacked as he took photographs at a travellers' camp.

Pendle Council's estates and property services manager Bill Hargreaves said he was assaulted and his car was damaged when he visited a site off Carr Road, Nelson.

Police have launched an investigation and the council was today seeking a court order to move the travellers from the camp.

Mr Hargreaves had been taking photographs to form a dossier of evidence for today's court case.

Since two caravans arrived in Nelson two weeks ago from Scotland, the camp has now grown to more than 20 vehicles.

A police spokesman said: "Mr Hargreaves contacted us with a report of criminal damage at the site and again last week after another incident at the same site."

John Kirk, executive director of Pendle Council, said: "Bill Hargreaves, the council's estates and property services manager, went to the site last week when there were only two or three caravans.

"He took some photographs which some people objected to, and an altercation took place. Some damage was done to his car."

Today council chiefs will ask Rossendale County Court for an immediate possession order to take control of the site.

Mr Kirk added: "We have matters organised to move into remove the travellers from the site if this is achieved.

"The site will then be cleared, the public toilets will be cleaned and the car park will be suitably fenced off to stop future unauthorised access.

"The recreation ground, site of the old Seedhill soccer ground, will also be made secure.

"Whilst some of the travellers are dressed quite respectably in suit and ties, their presence is intimidating to local residents, and there are no proper facilities here for caravan dwellers.

"People are in fear of associated crime, and as soon as possible, the council would want them to vacate the area."

Since the site was occupied last week, Coun Frank Clifford has received several calls from concerned residents living nearby.

Coun Clifford said: "The court should not only give us the right to our land but recompense for the damage they have done.

"They are leaving a trail of devastation for which the ordinary taxpayer will have to pick up the tab."

One resident living in Carr Road said today: "They are using the public toilets, which means that no-one else can and there is litter everywhere.

"People are afraid to go down there at night."

Council officer Mr Hargreaves is currently on holiday with his family and could not be contacted for comment.