PADIHAM Football Club's secretary Alan Smith is appealing to Padiham people to make financial donations to bring the football ground up to competition standard.

He explains that the club needs £65,000 to continue on-going improvements to the ground. These are vital for the team to be able to be promoted to Division One of the North West Counties League or enter other top class competitions.

To date the first team have won five matches and drawn one and they have only played six.

A fundraising dinner is planned to take place at Burnley's Centre Spot. It is a Sportsman's Dinner with a speaker and a comedian. Tickets are £25 each, for further details contact Alan Smith on 01282 771963.

THE Mayor and Mayoress of Padiham, Coun Granville and Pat Lord were presented with £180 for their fund. This was as a result of a charity night held at the Victoria Hotel in Padiham where the landlords Eric and Carol got together with their regulars to organise an evening of fundraising.

FOOTPATH number II on the N65 site is to be diverted to allow for further building to take place on the site. If any member of the public wish to object to the re-siting they may do so before October 14.

Details of the re-siting may be viewed at the Planning Office, Town Hall, Burnley, Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm. Anyone who has difficulty getting to the Town Hall during these times may ring the chairman on 01282 779690.

THE Mayor and Mayoress attended a barbecue at Padiham Cricket Club. There was supposed to be a cricket match as well but the weather put paid to that.

While they were there the Mayoress, as President of the Disabled group was presented with a cheque for £2,030 for the group. This money was raised by three young men who had taken part in the Three Peaks Race for charity.

While the Mayoress was receiving the money the Mayor had the task of judging the home-made wine competition.

HAPTON'S environmental committee would like to thank everyone who helped to make the recent Ladies Night at the Winchester Club such a great success -- £356 was raised. This will go towards improvements at the Sports Pavilion.

The target of £1,500 which was set for this year has now been reached. Thanks must go to all the many businesses who donated raffle prizes. Crow Wood Leisure, Agra restaurant, Ken and Jenny Ratcliffe, Beauty Plus, Lynne Buckle and Catherine Chew for Virgin cosmetics. The night was made special by the staff of the Winchester.

HAPTON Parish Council adopted the National Model Code for Conduct for Parish Councillors on May 14 this year.