A MAN who flouted a court order was given a "short sharp shock" by a judge who told him he had had it coming to him for a long time..

Ryan Spencer, 24, had not completed the community punishment part of a combination order and Judge Anthony Proctor, urged to give him a last chance, said he had had many already.

Spencer was jailed for two months. The judge said despite the combination order, he had been getting in more trouble and making a nuisance of himself.

The defendant, of Allan Critchlow Way, Rishton, had appeared for breach of the order imposed after he was convicted of threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.

Richard Orme, prosecuting for the probation office, said the order had included 60 hours community punishment and the defendant had done only 17 and a half. He was in court for his second breach. After the first one, he was allowed to continue the order.

Spencer admitted threatening behaviour after he shouted and swore during a melee at the Rendezvous nightclub on Accrington Road, Whalley. A doorman was struck in the eye, though not by the defendant.

Martin Hackett, for Spencer, said he had completed some of the sentence imposed and his probation officer felt he should be allowed to continue the order.

Spencer was working and he and his partner, who had a five year old child, had got back together. He was worried about custody as the last time he lost his liberty he also lost his home.