VOTERS go to the polls next Thursday, September 26, to choose a new ward councillor for Leigh Central following the resignation of former councillor Kath Thomas.

The Labour candidate is Post Office worker Myra Whiteside. Peter Solinas fights the ward on behalf of the Community Action Party with the Conservative candidate being Timothy Christopher Matthews of The Avenue, Leigh.

All candidates were offered equal opportunity by the Journal to put forward their election manifestos. Only two responded.

LABOUR'S candidate for the Leigh Central by-election is Myra Whiteside.

Born in Leigh, the Post Office worker has lived in the town all her life.

The Ashley Drive resident says: "I am standing as your Labour candidate because I care about our community and will work hard to make it a better place to live.

"For the past 23 years I have worked for the Post Office and started my career working on the counter in Leigh's Silk Street General Post Office. I am a member of the Communication Workers Union and represent administration grades.

"This is the first time I have stood and if elected would consider it a great honour to represent the people of Leigh.

"After years of cuts Labour is bringing investment and services back to Leigh and, if elected, I will work with other colleagues to continue the work of regenerating Leigh.

"There are a number of exciting developments in the pipeline, such as the proposed stadium and sports complex, the £30 million that Labour is bringing to health facilities and the proposed regeneration of Bickershaw pit site."