VILLAGERS have won their campaign for a footpath along a busy unlit road leading to their community hall.

West Bradford Parish Council had called for a footpath to the village's community hall, which is a short walk outside the village, along a 200 metre stretch of unlit road.

Villagers claimed the lives of community hall users, particularly the young and elderly, were being put at risk, especially at night.

Coun Gwen Pye, who represents the village on the Ribble Valley Council, launched a petition signed by hundreds of villagers and community hall users calling on highways bosses to provide a footpath along the busy stretch of road.

And now Lancashire County Council has given the thumbs-up to an £18,000 walkway at the site.

A Lancashire County Council spokesman said: "The scheme has been approved and the funds set aside for the footpath as part of our Pedestrian Schemes Programme for next year. The design process is taking place and once that is completed we will begin work."

Coun Gwen Pye said she was delighted to hear that demands for a footpath by villagers were to be met.

"The hall is a popular local venue and functions or events are held there nearly every night. The young and elderly in particular are at risk from walking along an unlit road used by traffic and the footpath will make the community hall safer for everyone to use. This is great news," she said.

West Bradford Village Hall was built in 1994 after £300,000 fundraising campaign by villagers.