DEREK Wyatt is the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey and has been a keen Internet user for some time.

What annoys him more than anything else is spam -- unwanted e-mail advertising that plagues almost everyone who uses the net.

So he has decided to try and do something about it.

Legislation is just one idea, and he has had so many suggestions sent to him through his site ( that he has a lot of thinking to do.

Many e-mail spams originate abroad, especially in the Far East, and are sent using "spoofed" identities -- e-mail addresses that look valid, but are actually faked.

Sometimes, the spammers "hijack" the e-mail address of an innocent internet user, using their identity to cover their tracks.

Derek Wyatt is sure to have his work cut out to tackle spammers, so if you've any good ideas visit his site and drop him a line.