IF there is strength in numbers, then senior citizens are one of the strongest groups browsing the web these days.

Research by Age Concern (www.ageconcern.org.uk) found out that senior men and women have different surfing styles.

While men are surfing for information and hobbies, women are using it to communicate with family and friends.

They did find that the majority of senior surfers found using the Internet had a positive effect on their lives.

Surfing was reported as the number one hobby for seniors and was used to escape loneliness.

A bold site is Hell Geriatrics (www.hellsgeriatrics.co.uk) which aims to grow old disgracefully.

The humour runs deep and is as varied as the links. Try out sections like Save the Pound, Alien Life or HRT and Viagra.

It's a must stop on the tour of senior sites online.

Another favourite is www.silversurfers.net which is well designed, features worthy information and is easy to use with an alphabetical link directory.

From the simple to the simply fantastic, the older generation have made a big imprint on the web and are definitely worth keeping an eye on.