A GROUP of mums enjoyed a tasty coffee morning with a hunky difference after winning a national competition.

A bronzed Adonis butler waited hand and foot on Jeannie Fox and her pals after she fought off stiff competition from across the UK in a Cadbury's competition.

Jeannie, 33, and her mates regularly get-together for a brew and chinwag at her home in Longsight Road, Walton-le-Dale, but the chit-chat got a bit cheeky when hunky butler Gil Kolirin came to call.

Jeannie won a Cadbury's competition calling for ditties in praise of its new Jestives chocolate biscuit range.

She said: "I had to say in less than 100 words why I deserved a hunk for the day. No problem! I'm a mum of three and most of my mates have young children, so we all deserve to be waited on hand and foot for a morning."

But she got more than she bargained for when hunky Gil arrived in his morning suit and promptly started ironing!

"No sooner had he poured the coffee and tea for me and my mates, when he got on with the ironing and washing up. He even picked up the babies when they started wingeing. What a dream bloke!"

As Jeannie and her mates munched on the Jestives and nattered, the gorgeous Gil set about the housework with gusto and kept their cups topped up.

Jeannie said being served tea and biscuits by a hunky man with a smile took some beating and her friends agreed.

"I'm a real biscuit enthusiast, so the choc-chip hunk was real a bonus and my friends enjoyed meeting him and helping me munch the Jestives," she said.

Pal Trish Matthews of Langho added: "I've had a great time and watching a man in a morning suit doing the ironing is certainly a novelty!"

Gil, who hails from London, had this advice for any man looking to make it in the butler stakes: "Always have a smile on your face, do what ever is asked of you and don't mention football!"