MORE than 1,100 people have backed a businessman's bid to keep his deli bar open.

Now Ian Finch has instructed solicitors to apply for an informal hearing with a planning inspector in a bid to get Blackburn with Darwen Council's planning committee decision overturned.

Planners ruled his business could not carry on in King William Street as it was not a regular shop.

However, the same committee last year gave permission for the Halifax to move into the more-prominent old Burton Menswear shop, which also meant changing its use from retail, an argument Mr Finch's lawyers intend to use.

Mr Finch's unit has been designated for A1, strictly retail, use by the council, but all food outlets fall outside it.

Mr Finch, of Barrowford, said he had been told by the owners of Puccino's that all of their coffee houses operated in A1 premises elsewhere in the country.

But this is because most other councils allowed A3 and A1 uses to be mixed so they effectively fall into one category.

Today, he said: "I have been completely overwhelmed by the support I have received so far.

"People are coming from far and wide to sign the petition.

"They all say I am adding something different to the town centre."

At the planning meeting LibDem leader Coun Paul Browne branded the councillors who voted that the deli be shut down 'jobsworths.'

He said: "I'm glad the public are getting behind this and showing the council up for their stupid decision."

Committee chairman Coun Frank Connor said at the meeting: "Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of sympathy with the applicant and this is a tough decision to take.

"But we cannot allow people to ride roughshod over us by opening up as and when they please. We need to make sure there are shops in King William Street."