A MUSLIM community has worked tirelessly for the Magic Eye Appeal and received a certificate for a donation of more than £4,000.

Bicknell Street Mosque in Blackburn presented a cheque to the appeal co-ordinator Sheila Shaw for £4,087.79. The money has been raised from secret donations from children in small Magic Eye envelopes and from collections.

Mr Moshin Patel said: "I am very pleased that members of the Mosque have raised so much, and I want to thank all the children and the families of the community who have contributed."

He was delighted to help the appeal and added: "We haven't finished yet!"

Sheila Shaw congratulated Mosque members on their "marvellous response" to the appeal and presented them with a platinum certificate. She said: "It shows what communities can achieve when they all pull together.

"The commitment to continue raising money was very much appreciated by all connected with the appeal. The donation would push the amount raised towards eighty thousand pounds - a tremendous boost."

The appeal is more than a third of the way to its target of £200,000 for an endoscopic ultrasound scanner which will speed up diagnosis of stomach and throat cancers.