TESTING trivia will be pushing locals to the limit during a mammoth quiz in aid of the Magic Eye Scanner Appeal.

Anything from Elvis Presley's early hits to the name of Liz Hurley's boyfriend could crop up so the advice is swot up now!

Hoddlesden Conservative Club in Harwood Lane has organised the six-round quiz for October 4 and will be dedicating the proceeds to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph Appeal.

Teams of up to four people will be set the challenge of 20-question rounds covering sport, trivia and general knowledge.

And with a 120 capacity, the club hopes for a full house.

Organiser Brenda Mellor said: "This appeal is close to our hearts and it is really important we get this equipment for the hospital as soon as possible.

"My husband John had to have his voice box removed because of cancer so we know how important the speedy diagnosis of this disease is."

The appeal hopes to raise £200,000 for an endoscopic ultrasound scanner which will benefit the whole of East Lancashire with the quicker diagnosis of stomach and throat cancer.

The top prize for the quiz is twelve bottles of wine and there will be prizes for each round winner. A raffle will also take place.

For more information and to book tickets call 01254 777964, 706415, or 702762. Doors open at 7pm for a prompt start at 8pm.