THE sad Radcliffe Cricket Club saga lingers on. We have a splendid cricket ground where boys and now girls can get involved in the character-building game of cricket.

But, according to some, the Racecourse ground is not "state of the art", whatever that is!

What we have is an excellent playing area and excellent management of the field by the groundsman. It is a perfect place for relaxation, with a splendid collection of juniors engaged in the game, being coached or involved in league competition. Each weekend there are two matches involving senior sides.

Do we want this to go? It has been there for more than 100 years.

What we seem to have at Radcliffe Cricket Club is a committee with officers, who lack real "get up and go", and two senior teams playing in a league which seems to have lost its way.

A few weeks ago we were told that £50,000 was needed to resolve the situation. Now we are told that £220,000 is required to bring the Racecourse "up to standard". What are we to have, another Lord's cricket ground?

I presume the club have measured the Cams Lane playing area? They have, haven't they? Also, who would be in charge of Radcliffe Cricket Club if it was based at the Cams Lane sports complex?

Yes, a lot of work would be involved at the club, but isn't that what volunteers have always been good at?


Bury Road, Radcliffe.