MAY I appeal on myself and other partially-sighted and blind people, for something to be done about the mindless people who use footpaths for cycling, instead of on the roads.

For one thing, it is still against the law to ride on our footpaths, but I have never yet seen on the rare occasions when a policeman is about, a cyclist being pulled up for committing the offence of footpath cycling.

Our government couldn't care less neither, it seems, our constabulary.

We visually impaired people are in constant peril, I myself having narrowly missed being knocked down several times on Headroomgate Road by racing teenagers -- not that it's only young ones who commit the offence; even those adults who should be more responsible, use footpaths, at given times as if they aren't doing anything wrong.

Unfortunately, the trend started when postmen were given cycles years ago to do their rounds.

Now everyone thinks it's their right. Please do something to make footpath cycling punishable by law, so that we can walk in safety.

KW Payne, Windermere Square, St Annes.