HARVEST Festival with parish mass and parade at 10am followed by lunch in the hall at St Mark's Church on Sunday, October 6.

The parish councillors are suggesting that the harvest gifts from the adults could be non-perishable items, these gifts can be spread out over a longer period of time.

BRITISH Waterways have applied for full planning permission to increase the height of the boundary fence of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal to 2.7 metres.

Any comments have to be into the planning office before October 15, quoting reference number 12/02/0504, or contact the applicant direct.

OWEN Street Park and play area are being used by some residents to exercise their dogs who are letting their animals foul the area.

The people concerned should be aware that this area is a no dogs allowed area.

The culprits are now known and will be reported to the Park Rangers who will not hesitate to hand out instant fines of £40.

There have been around 40 fines handed out already so be warned -- you could be the next one.

ANY unsold raffle tickets for the weekend in Blackpool need to be handed in at the Rosegrove Action Group shop on Tuesday, October 8 between 6pm and 7pm with the money.

The draw will be made on Friday, October 11.

THE opening times for Rosegrove Youth Club have changed from October 2.

The new opening hours are as follows from 6.30pm-8.30pm on Wednesdays.

The wide range of activities includes pool, table tennis, air hockey table, rounders, badminton, netball, music etc.