A SERIES of hard-hitting lectures will lift the lid on the cultural conflicts in Burnley and search for ways of resolving differences between communities.

The Conflict Series will consider, among other contentious issues, the rise of the far right as seen through the election of BNP candidates to Burnley Borough Council.

Conflict is the third annual East Lancashire Lecture Series to be held at Nazareth Unitarian Chapel, Knight Hill, Padiham, and hosted in conjunction with Lancaster University.

The events will feature four national authorities on conflict and resolution.

Tony Cann CBE, the Grindleton-based businessman who has organised the series, said: "We will be looking at race and religion and trying to understand the causes and consequences.

"In essence, do race and religion contribute to discord or are they masks of convenience under which prejudices flourish?"

Mr Cann believes that through a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced in the region, which have manifested in violence and tension in several East Lancashire towns, they can be overcome.

He added: "We have brought together four of the finest minds in the field to help steer ideas and thoughts to developing better understanding between our communities."

The series begins on Wednesday next at 8pm, when David Denver, Professor of Politics at Lancaster and a regular television political pundit, will consider Conflict, Consensus and Politics.

"This sets the scene for the series by considering the sources of conflict and consensus in society and the recent advances made by extreme right wing parties, as seen in Burnley," added Mr Cann.

Other lectures will focus on lessons learned from Northern Ireland; creating the forums for dialogue, and ways to reduce violence. Tickets, priced £4 per lecture or £12 for the series, are available by calling 01254 298502 or 01200 441278.