THE RSPCA Centre at Altham is filled to capacity with stray and abandoned cats (LET September 12). No doubt other animal centres and individuals who also care for strays can tell the same tale.

It is far too easy to obtain a pet and if it happens to be a female cat, there will be a litter of kittens in about eight months. Homes have to be found and it all begins again.

Responsible owners will have their cats neutered. A female does not have to have one litter; a neutered male will not wander and will be a cleaner pet.

Animals need food and sometimes veterinary treatment. Many people do not consider these facts, treating a pet as just another 'thing' to own.

An animal-caring country? Sadly, on the whole, we are not but, thank goodness for those who are enough to sort out the problems caused by the heedless.

SOPHIE JONES, Blackburn.