THE residents of Timberhurst feel disappointment and anger at what is or rather, what is not happening on Bridge Hall Lane, Bury.

Bridge Hall Lane, near the B&Q store, is an unadopted road, and a few months ago we attended a meeting at the town hall to voice our dismay at yet another proposal building. We sat with a lot of councillors who, to my astonishment, live nowhere near Bridge Hall Lane, yet were telling us how the road isn't in bad condition and how it doesn't have too many potholes or decaying drains.

I believe they made their visit either before or just after lunch, when traffic is quiet. I would like to invite them back in a morning, at team-time, or in the middle of a shift change when the articulated lorries are going to Tetrosyl, Printpack, Boys, or even B&Q, along with workers going to these premises. The residents here have to go to work, and us mums also do the "school run".

Printpack had the decency to put up a 30mph sign at the corner of Timberhurst, but most drivers ignore it. On my delightful school run in the mornings, I have to drive out of a blind bend as well as avoiding potholes, oncoming traffic, cars, pedestrians and, if I am extremely unlucky, wagons. We can't both get past at the same time and if you get the short straw you end up down a pothole, which in winter is either full of rain or snow.

A bit further down there is yet another blind bend, a give-way sign, a broken drain and more potholes. Then we encounter B&Q shoppers who think they are the only people on the road!

We have been advised by the council that no-one knows the owner of the infamous Bridge Hall Lane. It is approximately one-third of a mile which no-one seems to want to adopt, neither the council nor the companies based here. Yet councillors, in their wisdom, are allowing more building work, generating more traffic.

We have asked the council if they would adopt the road or for them to ask the companies to do so, but to no avail. No-one wants to know, which is why I get so infuriated when people like Councillor Cassidy say there isn't a problem in erecting another building, but there is a problem surfacing and adopting a road!

I hope this letter might shame someone into doing something good for a change!


Timberhurst, Heap Bridge, Bury.