WHAT wonderful news! The RSPCA Longview Animal Home is saved and its all down to the animal loving supporters of the Fylde and sheer hard work of the dedicated fund raisers.

But it is only the threat of imminent closure that has been removed, we must push the boat out a little more and make sure its future is secure.

If you are not already a supporter, please think about becoming one. It's only 50p a week when all said and done, hardly a fortune and it will mean everything to the abandoned animals who sadly end up at the home through no fault of their own.

It's their only hope of a second chance in life. If they did not have this safety net to fall back on, their fate would not bear thinking about in many cases.

You could also help by spending in the RSPCA shop in Talbot Road, which sells new goods as well as donated goods. There are some lovely Christmas present ideas, cards and calendars in stock right now.

If you cannot help financially, would you consider working in the shop for just three hours a week on a regular basis?

It would cost you nothing, but you would be helping the pennies roll in. I can tell you from experience, time passes quickly, Les and the girls are smashing to work with and there is plenty of tea and coffee on the go.

Please help in any way you can, we have got this far, we must not let the animals down now.

J Harwood, RSPCA voluntary worker, Moor Park Ave, Blackpool.