LANCASHIRE County Council is set to pioneer new ways of improving adoption services.

It has been chosen as one of 33 local councils from around the country to take part in Phase 3 of the work of the Adoption and Permanence Taskforce.

The aim of the Taskforce is to work alongside local councils to offer them support and ways to improve their adoption performance and prepare them to meet the National Adoption Standards, which will become mandatory from next April.

Since the Taskforce began work in 2001, 20 social services directorates have been visited and given help to deliver better outcomes for children. Phase three will run from October 2002 to March 2003.

The adoption world has undergone tremendous reforms during the last few years, with the Adoption and Children Bill, currently before Parliament, the most radical overhaul of Adoption law for 25 years.

County Councillor Chris Cheetham, portfolio holder for Social Services, said: "I am hopeful that the work programme with Phase three councils will further benefit vulnerable children.

"Lancashire Social Services, through its Children and Families Service, is looking forward to working with the Taskforce to enable more looked after children, who cannot return to their families, find a fresh start and opportunity to live in and be part of a new family."