TO Eric Leaver. I was amazed at how delightfully ill-informed you are on Fire Service issues.

I felt compelled to distribute your e-mail address to every firefighter in East Lancashire (I also posted it on the 30Kfirepay web site) so they can also congratulate you.

If you are unfortunate enough to have a situation that needs our assistance, I/we will treat you with both respect and dignity during your time of need.

To treat others how you expect to be treated yourself will not sell papers, nor will it promote a reaction from the readers.

I don't believe that these are the views of your readers or your own views.

You managed to cover most angles for the promotion of a reaction but you may have also have included that we don't have enough gay, ethnic or female firefighters, we retire after 30 years and maybe the average life expectancy of a firefighter on retirement?

TONY KEANE, Manor Road, Darwen.