COMFORT and privacy are at the forefront of a £750,000 revamp at a Blackpool Victoria Hospital clinic.

The orthopaedic outpatients department has undergone a major transformation to provide modern facilities and a much-improved environment for patients.

Brighter and more spacious examination rooms have increased from eight to 25 and the seating in the waiting area has been renewed and expanded.

The new facilities include a children's play area, disabled toilets, a baby changing facility, state-of-the-art X-ray equipment and a brand new patient information system.

One of the first of its kind in the country, it plays music and information messages for patients in the main waiting area and includes details of waiting times for clinics, and information on the Trust's no smoking and zero tolerance policies.

Mike Gallagher, the Trust's director of facilities, said that extra consultation had been undertaken with staff and patient groups to ensure the revamp properly addressed the needs of patients.

"The previous accommodation was extremely overcrowded and there was a lack of seating which is critical in an orthopaedic clinic.

"Careful thought has gone into the actual seating provided to ensure that the height of the chairs is appropriate for orthopaedic patients.

"The upgrade of this department is part of the Trust's overall plans to modernise the health service and ensure that our facilities are suitable for the needs of our patients."

Ken Boardman, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, added: "The old department was badly in need of being upgraded and patients should now notice a real difference.

"There is additional clinic space, the waiting area is more comfortable and spacious and the whole of the area is more user friendly. It is a big improvement."