REGARDING the constant noise of fireworks, have the youngsters setting them off no thought at all for others?

Why do we have to put up with this nuisance night after night. Do they not realise that there are new-born babies and young children to be put to bed each night. Also, our dear elderly people.

These louts have definitely to be given some sort of curfew.

And if they must set their fireworks off, then it should be for one hour only each night, instead of all night long. Some even continue well after midnight, which is utterly ridiculous.

I am just recovering from illness and, along with countless other sick people, can well do without these disturbances at night.

Do their parents know where they are at night? Is their spending money so great that they don't know what to spend it on?

Oh yes, we did buy fireworks as children, but we also had other priorities too. We respected other people, and of course protected our pets as well.

Each year at this time, it is a shame that terrified animals are put through this ordeal.

Dogs and cats should not be put under such pressure, just because these youngsters want some so-called "fun".

Come on youngsters, give a thought to your neighbours and friends, and remember, you will be old yourselves one day, and then I wonder, what will the youngsters have in store for you?

ROSEMARY SPEDDING, Perth Street, Accrington.