I CAN well understand the feelings of people like Dawn Robinson-Walsh (Your Letters, Oct 18), who wishes to keep open Affetside School, which her children attend. However, like most single-issue crusaders, she does tend to misrepresent the views of others. Such is the case with her comments on my recent correspondence.

First, I demonstrated quite clearly, with supporting evidence, that Labour councillors are not seeking to close schools only in "Conservative areas".

Second, with regard to East Ward Primary School, while it does have surplus places, it is still a relatively large school with 300 pupils. Furthermore, its pupils are drawn mainly from its immediate vicinity.

Third, as East Ward's numbers have fallen, so has its budget. As I pointed out, this is not the case with Affetside.

My final point referred especially to Conservative members of council. They did support the closure of schools in "Labour areas", but wanted huge subsidies to keep open small schools in what they consider to be "Conservative areas". This was my point about those who wish to support inequality and privilege.

Finally, if, as Mrs Robinson-Walsh says, I am acting out of political prejudice, what about all those members of the Schools Organisation Committee who voted to close Affetside? Are they also prejudiced politically?

COUNCILLOR JOHN BYRNE, leader of the council.