I am in full agreement with Margo Grimshaw (LET, October 22) about the ongoing delays in the completion of the Church Street project in Blackburn.

Such undertakings always come up against snags and problems, so top people on top wages are employed to possibly foresee any difficulties in construction.

The latest excuse is beyond belief "We have not got the correct length of cable for the fibre optical display".

This is a basic prerequisite even when installing a table lamp, making sure one has the correct length of wiring.

As for the sculptures, I will suspend judgement until they have been completed.

Also in reply to some people's opinion, I am not against all forms of modern art.

In fact, I would not complain if some of our councillors were pickled in formaldehyde and displayed in the finished job.

RAY BUTLER, Denville Road, Blackburn.