ZONE Rangers are preparing to blast into Cyberspace.

Their mission: to set up a new IT club for gifted computer wizards.

An elite group of 20 pupils from five Leigh Education Action Zone schools met for an introductory session at St Thomas CE, Bedford, this week.

They were drawn from Hindley Green J and I, St Thomas CE, St John's Infants, St Joseph's RC and St Gabriel's RC.

The first session was led by EAZ advisory teacher Lesley Fitzsimmons and St Thomas' information technology manager, Brian Slater, who outlined the Rangers' premier task to design, build and maintain a website for children by children.

The group will meet at St Thomas' IT suite on Tuesdays after school.

Lesley said: "It's fantastic to see so many pupils so keen to be involved in this farsighted venture.

"Judging by the talent at the first session we should have no problems in getting the project off to a flying start."