PENDLE people are being urged to dream a little and come up with ideas for making their borough a better place to live.

On-going consultations with the public will continue until the end of this month at various community buildings across the borough.

Their ideas will be included in an action plan which will help produce a Community Strategy setting our priorities for the various agencies who deliver services in Pendle.

People have already said they want better communities, a better environment, to feel and to be safer, quality housing for all, to make a good living, achieve the best they can, have fun and be healthier.

But co-ordinators of the strategy are urging people to think bigger and better to produce a vision for Pendle.

Brian Astin, corporate policy manager at Pendle Borough Council, said: "We are recognising that a lot of big issues that the borough faces are not the responsibility of one single body.

For example, if we are going to improve health it is as much about improving the environment and services as it is the direct services to treat people's illnesses.

"The strategy needs to reflect the needs of all the borough. We need the views of young people because we are talking about a strategy for 15 to 20 years which will affect their children."

Some of the areas which have been highlighted include:

Environment -- the countryside being more accessible while at the same time preserving it

Safer communities -- by tackling drugs, improving street lighting ad forming better relationships between police and young people

Housing -- better quality housing and the need to address overcrowding

The need to improve and secure care for the elderly

A wish to see viable and vibrant town centres with more employment opportunities and a more skilled and varied workforce

The need for a high quality education system and more nursery education

Youth activities -- the need for better play areas and sports facilities

Better quality health care.

Mr Astin said: "We want to know if there is anything missing from this list, which points people agree with and disagree with and whether there are any specific issues relating to their area."

It is hoped the strategy will be completed by March, 2003.

Jackie Mason, district partnership officer from Lancashire County Council, said: "This makes absolute sense. We are inviting people to dream a little at the moment and asking them what their ideal Pendle would be.

"Think the impossible and lets see what we can do. Aspiration is maybe something our community has been short of."

Consultation days will take place at Barnoldswick Community Centre on Saturday between 10am and 1pm, and Barley Village Hall on Monday between 6 and 9pm. An extra day in Earby will also be arranged.