TIPS on how to keep clubbers safe from the effects of "dance" drugs were handed out to licensees and bouncers in Burnley yesterday.

Representatives of Burnley's pub and club scene met at the Chicago Rock cafe in Hammerton Street for tips on how to spot and deal with drug activity safely.

The event, organised by Drugline Lancashire, was an opportunity for the organisation to get their message across to people who would not normally access drug services.

Information about cocaine, LSD, ecstasy and speed was handed out, as well as tips for keeping clubbers safe.

A spokesman for the group said: "Dance drugs have a long history. They have been around for at least 30 years going back to the days of the Wigan Casino.

"We are not trying to reach people with drug problems. We are trying to get health and education messages to people who would not normally go to drugs services.

"People who do not have a drugs problem, but take drugs and are buying into the whole dance and drugs culture.

"It is not just an issue for the police, or venues, or clubbers or support services -- it is an issue for everyone."

Door supervisor Mohammed Ashad, who works at the Walkabout Bar in Hammerton Street, said: "There are drugs wherever you go. Events like this make our job a lot easier.

"We will always try to stop drugs getting into venues and work in partnership with the police, but someone will always get in.

"Letting people know not only the dangers of drugs, but also how to keep themselves safe has got to be a good idea."

AS well as representatives of Lancashire drugs services talks were given by the Lancashire Ambulance Service, the police and the Burnley Against Night-time Disorder group.

And safety packs containing sweets, condoms and advice about drugs safety were handed out to revellers in Burnley town centre last night.