A HOUSE breaker brought to book two and a half years on has kept his freedom after a court was told he had since pulled his socks up.

Shaun Little, 19, who has since served a jail term for robbery, had not reoffended after that and seemed to be understanding more about his offending behaviour, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Sentencing, Recorder Angela Nield said domestic raids were very serious and culprits could expect to be dealt with harshly. The offences involved not only the theft of property but also the violation of the victim's home. That could have long standing consequences for those targeted.

The judge said Little had offended when he was only 17, and as his barrister had stated justice delayed could in some circumstances be justice denied.

She told the defendant: "You seem to be turning a corner and maturing and understand more about your offending behaviour."

Little, of Birtwistle Avenue, Colne, admitted burglary. He was given a 12 months community rehabilitation order to include the Dordrecht scheme. The court was told Little helped himself to a video recorder after smashing a window at the premises in November 2000.

Tony Cross, defending, said Little was released from custody in February last year. He had not committed any offences since and unusally, in his case, the clang of the prison gates seemed to have had the desired effect.

Mr Cross added Little had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and had moved on since the offence.